Theophilus LamarSimulating The Law of One(This is a companion blog to the Season 3 Episode 10 of the Theophilus Project.) In Season 1 Episode 3, I talked about Coincidences and...
Theophilus Ori FACT SHEET: ShadowCivistNAME: “ShadowCivist” AGE: Unknown CELESTIAL SPECIES: Cy’ionic (Nu’Bionic Variant) COSMIC SPECIES: Chimera LINEAGE: House of...
Theophilus Ori The Kindling Category: Event; Ritual Location: Azure Dimension Universe: Obsidian Sub Universe: Flambeau Prime World: Nether Appearance(s): A'Kan's...
Theophilus Ori Flambeau Universe Category: Place Location: Azure Dimension Universe: Obsidian Sub Universe: Flambeau Prime World: Nether Apperance(s): A'Kan's Journal...
Theophilus Ori TDX(Also posted as part of the Dimensional Communiqués) Honorable Progenitors, It has been brought to my attention that there are members of...
Theophilus Lamar ORIGINS: Azure Dimension and the Obsidian UniverseOriginally Posted May 6, 2020 SHOW MONOLOGUE: THE THEOPHILUS PROJECT - Episode 2 ORIGINS: Azure Dimension and the Obsidian Universe Their...