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Link to Sci-Fi Books by Black Authors

I was up early and looking for a book that I can listen to while at work so that I can have some joy there today and got me thinking about books with heroes that look like me.

I recorded a quick rambling post that I will upload on Patreon once I edit it but I came across this link and wanted to share. This is not an extensive list and I'm looking for more recommendations. Especially stories that are engrossing and feature male characters as it is something that I'm trying to do for myself.

I will share that Will Wight's The Captain: The Last Horizon, Book 1 was pretty good! So was Terry J. Benton-Walker's Blood Debts but the second books for these series aren't ready yet, so I'm up early to find a book to help me breeze through my day.

Wish me luck and drop some of your recommendations below.


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