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Putting these dates here for a quick and easy reference for myself and for all Terrans participating or following the #TerranTales #OriginsoftheCollective.

This is a companion post to S3 Bonus #2 Episode

  • December 1, 2119 - Volume 1 and Half of Volume 2 should be completed.

  • March 31, 2120 - Committees Selected to review the work should be selected

  • December 21, 2121 - Deadline for Committees to review work.

  • February 22, 2122 - Committees will release their findings and announce if they will take up Vol. 3 as a challenge, go in a different direction, or drop the challenge altogether. If they choose to continue, they should announce how things will change and how things may stay the same.

  • February 22, 2122 - The Grand Gathering of 2122: A celebration of Terran Achievement on Earth and in the Heavens. A planetary celebration!


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