ARCHIVAL ORDER NOTICE: Due to circumstances involving the Cosmic Blackout, these are the only entries of A’Kan’s Journal available to The Archival Order. The Order is working hard to reestablish a connection to the Phoenix Network. When a new connection is established, entries will resume. The Order apologies for any inconvenience.
The room itself goes in and out of focus and my memory but I recall seeing bright colors, a wall tapestry with ropes that if you stared at them long enough began to move around like snakes. I think the only reason I remember that was because I remember staring at it for a while and then when it moved I jumped and ran into Dijmou who was watching me. I got clear-headed real fast!

Apparently, it is unusual for the Elyium to run its course, even after all the prep prior to that, so he and Wentworth stopped and made a special batch.
It has been twenty-days (there about) since my Kindling and I am back in Shango. I haven’t gone back to work yet, still trying to process the whole thing and Sor has been nice enough to let me ride it out at home. It helps that Rytick has been running circles around me. I knew he was going to do fine, but he just had to get in there and run things his way.
I don’t know a lot of details, I’ve been staying away from much of the communiqués and only answering ones addressed to me or directly from Sor, but apparently things went down with Glorimar and she was called to court and forced to address the Ministers and Nobility including Uncle William and Aunt Carol were there too. I would have loved to have seen her face as she faced High King and Queen. I’m sure Unc would have been staring her down.
I haven’t spoken to Rytick directly, but he stumbled upon some information that was new and suggested Sor handle it under the Crown’s Inquiry rules rather than take it to full Senate. This leads me to believe it was damaging, but nothing that would hold weight if her peers got a hold of the information.
Man, to have seen her stammer her way through trying to explain why she shouldn’t be under investigation and watched for treasonous activity would have been priceless. I wish it would have happened under my watch. Which brought me to a realization.
Anyway, I’m sure Glorimar will be on her best behavior for a while. While it wasn’t public, the opposition, her entire leadership structure, and the judiciary was present so there are people who know what was stated and that could impact the leverage that she likes to use over everyone else. Now, the opposition has leverage against her and she will have to be in good standing if she doesn’t want the information to become public and really ruin her chances of earning the Prime Minister 3spot. I’m sure everyone is grateful for that. Before I left, I know they were still working out the new position, but I do know that they did not want it to go to Glorimar. This should take the wind out of her sails some.
Anyway, I’m sure Glorimar will be on her best behavior for a while. While it wasn’t public, the opposition, her entire leadership structure, and the judiciary were present so there are people who know what was stated and that could impact the leverage that she likes to use over everyone else. Now, the opposition has leverage against her and she will have to be in good standing if she doesn’t want the information to become public and really ruin her chances of earning the Prime Minister spot. I’m sure everyone is grateful for that. Before I left, I know they were still working out the new position, but I do know that they did not want it to go to Glorimar. This should take the wind out of her sails some.
My parents stopped by last week and spent a few days. Mom didn’t press me (too much) about what happened in Lexre. I could tell she wanted to know, but either Dad said something prior to coming over or she was really trying to prevent from getting nosey and wanting to hear the details of what went on. If this had occurred when I was younger, I don’t know that I would have been able to give her the little bit that I did and her be satisfied, but it seemed to work. I could tell that she was proud though. Every now and then I caught sight of her Psionic flame and it was bright. The dosage of Elyium they gave me was higher than normal, so I’m still going through some withdrawals which meant it was nice to have her to cook for me.
Ke’lyn stopped by too. No doubt to get more information for whomever she is working for, but when she saw Mom and Dad her she played it cool and pretended that all was good. I think she was relieved that Kes wasn’t here.
My parents left today and now I have the place to myself again. Kimber and Aux are around of course, but they have mostly stayed out of my way since I’ve been back. Which has been great.
The room itself goes in and out of focus and my memory but I recall seeing bright colors, a wall tapestry with ropes that if you stared at them long enough began to move around like snakes. I think the only reason I remember that was because I remember staring at it for a while and then when it moved I jumped and ran into Dijmou who was watching me. I got clear-headed real fast! Apparently, it is unusual for the Elyium to run its course, even after all the prep prior to that, so he and Wentworth stopped and made a special batch.
I arrived at the Sanctuary 4 and remember taking the Elyium the adept gave me. I remember recalling how stronger it tasted and then a little wobbly and then the next thing I recall, I was in my robes and in the ceremonial room.
The room itself goes in and out of focus and my memory but I recall seeing bright colors, a wall tapestry with ropes that if you stared at them long enough began to move around like snakes. I think the only reason I remember that was because I remember staring at it for a while and then when it moved I jumped and ran into Dijmou who was watching me. I got clear headed real fast! Apparently, it is unusual for the Elyium to run its course, even after all the prep prior to that, so he and Wentworth stopped and made a special batch.
Wentworth was darker complexed and wore a suit with his ceremonial robes on top. He was older, maybe in his late fifties or early sixties, and spoke with a Lexerian accent. His robes weren’t as ornate as Dijmou’s but where they lacked in decoration, they made up for in color. I don’t remember what we talked about, but I know there were some jokes thrown in and they made me feel at ease. Once they were done making the special batch and I took a sip, things began to go in and out of focus very quickly and got hazy quickly. Now, the whole thing was odd, but it was here that things really started taking a turn.
It’s hard to describe. I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out exactly how to describe it so that it makes sense and the only thing I keep coming back to is that it felt like I split into different people and my body was being pulled into different places. I remember Wentworth saying, lie down and then stopping me and telling me to take off my robe. I did and I remember laying on the mat in this colorful room and not feeling the satin on the mat. It was like my skin and senses were dead. He then said, close your eyes and some other stuff, but all I can remember is seeing all these different places on one big screen in my head. It was like I was looking at them all happening at the same time. I won’t be able to describe what I saw. They felt familiar but they were all different. In some there were people there, but I didn’t recognize any of them. Then, just like it began, it stopped and I was looking at Wentworth and Dijmou who were waving this strong and musky smelling incense over me. It was enough to bring me out and make me focus, but it was still difficult. I do remember them explaining what was going to happen and thinking that it is about time someone explains what is about to go on here. Then nothing. From there it was all bits and pieces.
It would be good to get outside and go for another walk. When I went to the water yesterday it was so peaceful and serene. I had a great time yesterday and last night I slept better than I had in a long time. I better get going its still early in the afternoon and its not too hot yet.
As I was leaving a cargo craft pulled up and dropped off the ingredients I need for the ritual tonight. Dijmou purchased it and sent it over. He included a card that said, “You’re mission is too important to continue to delay. I fear it isn’t you this time, but your misguided flame protecting you. The two of you must unify and proceed as one for what needs to be done, only you can do and you must do it for your piece of mine and the nation of Flambeau.”
I’m not going to lie. There was a tinge of chucking this all and going about my own way. I mean, I did the Kindling. That was all I am supposed to do. No one has to know what is next, but I don’t know that I can move forward if I don’t know what comes next. I just hate being told that this is so important? Then if it is so important, shouldn’t it be given to someone who wants to do it? I just want to live my life and be done with it.
I’ll do the ritual tonight and if nothing happens, I’m not going to force it. If nothing comes, then if my flame is trying to protect me, its protecting me for a reason and I’m going to listen to it. If nothing comes tonight, then I’m calling it quits and moving on. At some point you just need to live.